Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Get Rolling with Digital Video Production

The muse can come from many different places and in different shapes. Now days in the world of digital video creation everyone can be a creative pro with their own gear. Some of the kinds of videos one can produce are bachelor parties, birthday events, weddings, special events, anniversaries and so on. There are so many wonderful and creative things you can do now days with digital video production. There are a ton of great ways to learn more on using the tools needed for creating fun and interesting digital video. You can find lessons, tips, classes and magazines which will show you the ins and outs.

The education environment is not utilizing digital video production in many ways as well. Students create them in classes, teachers use them in their curriculum, giving the students a full and rich learning environment. Students can learn faster and relate quicker to this audio-visual medium. Today's digital video equipment and tools are easy to afford and students can be guided using quality manuals and guides.

The advent of non linear editing software, powerful and yet common computers and you have the easy set up for digital video editing using software that is readily available. Both Windows and Mac computers come equipped with digital video editing software out of the box these days. You can add in the more complex and fancy packages to create fancier productions without having to go to graduate school to learn the system. The key to a good video production using digital equipment is to plan. Just like writing a paper for a class it makes sense to lay out your idea for a video production and plan it well in advance. That way you can create a work flow that makes it a snap to get from a to z in your production in no time.

Outline your idea, write a basic script, take notes while shooting, input your material in an organized fashion and then editing is a snap. If you skimp on these areas then you will spend more time scratching your head than you will laying out your fun project. It is simple if you plan.

One thing to always do in digital video production is have fun. The tools are so affordable and easy to learn that it makes sense to create and make fun video productions.

Kevin Rockwell has worked in TV production for over 25 years and now revels in the use of digital video and digital editing tools for his video production company. Stay on top of the world of digital video at Digital Video Centre. Sign up to get free digital video tips sent your box.

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Tips For Using the iPhone Touch Screen Keyboard

Whenever a new technology emerges you need to learn how to use it. Sometimes this is easier said that done as there aren't too many resources around to help you. One example of this is the Apple iPhone. When you first get an iPhone you will no doubt spend many hours working out how to use all the exciting new technologies inside this phone. Not everything can be learned simply by playing with the phone and one example of this is how to use the keyboard.

With a feature as unique as the iPhone's touch screen keyboard there are several things you need to learn to help you type your messages quickly. By learning these techniques you will be able to type quickly and without error and you will wonder how you managed with out it. For example, when you want to write a letter you simply tap on it but you need to be aware that the letter isn't placed on the screen until you lift off your finger.

The reason for this is that it easily allows you to correct your mistakes. If you happen to touch the wrong letter you can correct it simply by sliding your finger over to the letter you intended to write and then lift off. This means there is no need to delete your mistake as you still have time to correct it.

A lot of people have found that the automatic correction feature built into the keyboard is a very good way of ensuring that your writing is always clear and easy. It can still do easy to accept the wrong word though. If you want to avoid doing this then you must learn how to accept and reject suggested words. To accept a word either tap space, return or a punctuation character. To reject it just carry on typing the word you did want.

If you write the same word twice and then tap on them both then the word will automatically be added to the iPhone's dictionary. It will probably take you a good couple of weeks to get all the words that you use most often into the dictionary but once you've done that you will find that typing is very fast indeed.

The final tips is to do with upper and lower case character. To capitalize the first letter of a word simply tap shift and the letter you want. To write an entire word in upper case you need to go into the settings and switch on the "Enable Caps Lock" option. Once you've done that you will find that double tapping the shift key switches you to caps lock mode and you can enter a full word in upper case.

If you want cheap iPhone accessories visit http://best-iphone-accessories.supashops.com

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Broadband - Who Needs Wires?

Years ago, a wireless was a radio. Now, having a wireless doesn't mean you sit around listening to a box and trying to imagine pictures. It means wireless internet.

There are two types of wireless connections for your home. The first is Wireless Networking. This is a type of LAN which doesn't require the use of hubs to connect everyone to the same network. It's useful in houses where there's more than one desktop PC, and perhaps a laptop or two as well, as you don't need wires trailing all over the place. Wireless networking works by having a single central router that receives the signal from the telephone line and transmits a signal which is picked up by the closest wireless devices such as your home computers.

In a Wireless network (WiFi) the computers within it can communicate with each other, and a password is set to prevent outside connection and interference. Firewalls are essential, and fortunately they are standard with most wireless routers. A network card fitted to every computer within the network is necessary too, and again, they're usually standard in most newer PC's and laptops. If one PC in your house doesn't have a network card, it can still be connected to the WiFi network by means of cables.

Wireless broadband can be seen as an extension of standard broadband. The provider sets up your regular service through your phone line, but also sets you up for access at special WiFi points outside the home. Similar idea to an internet caf, except you can use your own laptop and settings, and you can find them in places like motorway service stations, airports, train stations, and any other places that travellers frequent.

Wireless broadband can be either paid for monthly along with your standard tariff, or used on a pay-as-you-go basis for periods of up to an hour. It all depends on how much you travel, and how often you would use the service.

Wireless broadband and wireless networking are slowly becoming more widely available as more providers catch onto the idea. Cheap broadband packages now offer a wireless option for around 10 - 15 per month.

Find cheap broadband by comparing providers online.

J Tillotson is a UK author specialising in technology and communications.

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Broadband - Unsure Future for the UK

Stephen Timms, the UK's minister for competitiveness, warned last year that the UK risks falling behind in the race to providing super-fast broadband networks, claiming the situation to be "21st century's equivalent of the great arms race".

Timms drew up comparisons between our current broadband networks to those used in Japan and Korea, the world's leaders in broadband speeds, questioning why the UK should be allowed to fall behind.

The average advertised speed in Japan was 93Mbps in 2007, and South Korea's 43Mbps. Compare this to the average advertised speed of 10Mbps in the UK, with actual download speeds in the region of 4.5Mbps its easy to see where Timms is coming from.

The answer, it would seem, to stepping up our broadband networks is easy enough - a nationwide roll-out of fibre optic networks. The practicability and cost factors involved with such a roll out however, are where businesses and government officials start to stumble.

With an estimated cost of 7 to 15Bn, Ofcom, the UK's telecommunications regulatory body is having a hard time trying to convince any one company to invest.

It's been raised that what Timms didn't take into consideration is the concentration of residence in Japan and South Korea, where network speeds are at their highest. As, once you move out of the big cities and into the vast rural areas, the situation with slow or no broadband access isn't all that dissimilar to that experienced here in the UK.

Realistically it would seem that there is no "quick-fix" solution to the problem.

Various experiments and trials are being commissioned around the country with regards to implementing fibre networks, which will of course help towards the cause.

Moreover, even though it does not compare to other countries' networks, the UK is expected to be able to have the networks in place to increase advertised broadband download rates to 24Mbps over the coming years; which is a considerable improvement based on current standards.

Liam is a UK based author, currently focusing on broadband Compare cheap broadband online today.

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What Is a Fiber Optic Continuity Tester? Fiber Optic Technology Tutorial, Series Two

What is a fiber optic continuity tester?

Fiber continuity tester is also called fiber optic continuity checker. It is the simplest visual test of a fiber optic cable link.

To function properly, a fiber optic cable link must be "continuous", meaning no breakage, either within the fiber cable or in the fiber connectors, should exist. The simplest and least expensive way to check is to inject some visual light into one fiber end and check the light coming out from the other end.

To perform this task, two types of fiber testers are available: a fiber optic continuity tester or a laser visual fault locater.

Differences between a fiber continuity tester and a laser visual fault locator

The most important difference is their light source. A fiber continuity tester typically uses a red or green color high intensity LED while a laser visual fault locator uses red color semiconductor laser.

Visible lasers produce a more powerful light and can provide more information to the technician than a LED light. By coupling the fiber link to a visible laser, problems with connectors, breaks in the fiber near connectors or splices, and some bend radius violations can be located.

On the other hand, LED powered fiber continuity tester can only verify that light can travel through the fiber link and no more information is obtained. Fiber continuity tester simply yields a "no go" result. If the light isn't visible at the other end of the fiber link, then the fiber is unusable in its present state and requires further testing and repair.

Applications of a fiber continuity tester

Its best application is testing fiber on a reel before you pull it to make sure it hasn't been damaged during shipment. Look for visible signs of damage (like cracked or broken reels, kinks in the cable, etc.)

The other good application is to check fiber patch cables at patch panels. When connecting fiber cables at patch panels, use the fiber optic continuity tester to make sure each connection is the right two fibers!

And to make certain the proper fibers are connected to the transmitter and receiver, use the continuity tester in place of the transmitter and your eye instead of the receiver.

Understanding the features of a fiber continuity tester

1. Fiber mode compatibility

Some fiber continuity testers only support multimode fibers while the others support both single mode fibers and multimode fibers. So it's best to check the spec sheet from manufacturers to choose the type you need.

2. Fiber connectors supported

Most fiber continuity testers have adapters available for testing 2.5mm ferrule connectors such as ST, SC and FC, 1.25mm ferrule connectors such as LC, MU and special types such as SMA connectors.

3. Fiber distance

Most fiber continuity testers have enough light power to support 2km on multimode fibers.

Find even more detailed information about fiber optic continuity tester, fiber continuity tester, and fiber optic continuity on Fiber Optics For Sale Co web site.

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