Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tips For Using the iPhone Touch Screen Keyboard

Whenever a new technology emerges you need to learn how to use it. Sometimes this is easier said that done as there aren't too many resources around to help you. One example of this is the Apple iPhone. When you first get an iPhone you will no doubt spend many hours working out how to use all the exciting new technologies inside this phone. Not everything can be learned simply by playing with the phone and one example of this is how to use the keyboard.

With a feature as unique as the iPhone's touch screen keyboard there are several things you need to learn to help you type your messages quickly. By learning these techniques you will be able to type quickly and without error and you will wonder how you managed with out it. For example, when you want to write a letter you simply tap on it but you need to be aware that the letter isn't placed on the screen until you lift off your finger.

The reason for this is that it easily allows you to correct your mistakes. If you happen to touch the wrong letter you can correct it simply by sliding your finger over to the letter you intended to write and then lift off. This means there is no need to delete your mistake as you still have time to correct it.

A lot of people have found that the automatic correction feature built into the keyboard is a very good way of ensuring that your writing is always clear and easy. It can still do easy to accept the wrong word though. If you want to avoid doing this then you must learn how to accept and reject suggested words. To accept a word either tap space, return or a punctuation character. To reject it just carry on typing the word you did want.

If you write the same word twice and then tap on them both then the word will automatically be added to the iPhone's dictionary. It will probably take you a good couple of weeks to get all the words that you use most often into the dictionary but once you've done that you will find that typing is very fast indeed.

The final tips is to do with upper and lower case character. To capitalize the first letter of a word simply tap shift and the letter you want. To write an entire word in upper case you need to go into the settings and switch on the "Enable Caps Lock" option. Once you've done that you will find that double tapping the shift key switches you to caps lock mode and you can enter a full word in upper case.

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